Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

When two undeniable legends make a duet, souls infuse and beauty is birthed through melodious song. I feel sorry for those who don't get the chance to hear this music or even worse, can't comprehend/understand it. You truly have to grow in musical taste to enjoy the finer music in life. Ella and Louis truly had something special. When they sang it's almost like you are brought back to a memory, a place, or a feeling you've thought you've forgotten. Even if you weren't alive in the 40's you sure do feel like you were when this tune hits you. I don't believe i can emphasis enough how much Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong can make magic come to life with each and every single duet they do together. Ella's soft elegant voice with Louie's harsh raspy voice just have the right amount of balance to truly make something beautiful. 

"Your daddy's rich and your ma is good lookin' 
so hush little baby and baby don't you cry"

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Summertime by KpocaB4er

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Earlier today, I was browsing for some video stills of one of my favorite films "La Vie En Rose" the biopic of Edith Piaf. Anyways, as I was browsing, I came across Pomplamoose as they covered "La Vie En Rose." Typically, I'm not for covers, in fact, it's very difficult to convince me otherwise that a cover is even somewhat decent. The minute I heard her voice (Nataly Dawn), I was instantly drawn in. She has that voice that is so delicate but yet so impacting. After hearing this one song, I absolutely had to check out the rest of the album. It turned out to be 50/50. After researching and looking up songs, i discovered this whole album was dedicated to covers. Some were amazing and some... not so much. I was a bit disappointed because I just wished and hoped that they would be one of those bands that amazed you every single time. I will say i've rated their music high enough to be added onto my iPod. The album in which I reviewed is titled "Tribute to Famous People". The covers range from Edith Piaf to Lady Gaga to Aerosmith and so on. I will though, give them credit for having such a broad selection of songs, it's nice to see that in music.
Once again, I have provided the song in which I fell in love with. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Phil and the Osophers

Just about a week ago, I came across a band that really caught my attention. Since 2005, coming from the east coast, Phil and the Osophers have been creating music that I would definitely call interesting. Holding that indie garage type of sound, they at times can sound a little disorganized but that is quickly over shadowed by their creative, eccentric sound. Not to mention, their video's are visually pleasing and make the music that much more enjoyable. Please enjoy the track from Phil and the Osophers latest album "Figures of Speech", and also check out the bands website on the link below.

Phil and the Osophers - Ink On The Page by factualfabrications

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Beginning

So here I am once again, and I must say, it feels good to be back. After deleting my previous page, I think it's about time to start up a new one. This will be my music blog, here to discuss up and coming bands, album reviews (old and new), any sort of conflict that may occur in the music industry, pretty much anything and everything that has any relation to music. Although I tend to be bias and post mostly bands/musicians that I perfer, I will try my hardest to be more open-minded than I already am.
I hope you can enjoy, and be inspired to listen and read about the music I am about to post.