Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

When two undeniable legends make a duet, souls infuse and beauty is birthed through melodious song. I feel sorry for those who don't get the chance to hear this music or even worse, can't comprehend/understand it. You truly have to grow in musical taste to enjoy the finer music in life. Ella and Louis truly had something special. When they sang it's almost like you are brought back to a memory, a place, or a feeling you've thought you've forgotten. Even if you weren't alive in the 40's you sure do feel like you were when this tune hits you. I don't believe i can emphasis enough how much Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong can make magic come to life with each and every single duet they do together. Ella's soft elegant voice with Louie's harsh raspy voice just have the right amount of balance to truly make something beautiful. 

"Your daddy's rich and your ma is good lookin' 
so hush little baby and baby don't you cry"

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Summertime by KpocaB4er

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